is a shounen-ai manga series written and illustrated by Chigusa Kawai. It has been published in the United States by Digital Manga Publishing in 2005. The main word of the title, ''esperança'', comes from the Portuguese word for "hope"; the word "la", although meaning "the" in almost all other Romance languages, is not proper Portuguese (elless "''a esperança''" would mean "the hope"). == Plot == Georges Saphir has spent his whole life trying to be the opposite of what his father was and has worked himself to the bone to become the perfect student, beloved by everyone in Saint Grollo Boys' School. It works, until delinquent Robert Jade comes into the picture and begins to turn Georges' belief system upside-down. While Georges tries hard to get along with everyone, Robert doesn't care who he annoys. Compelled to shatter Georges' angelic image, Robert can’t help but test the younger boy’s faith and innocence, which he both hates and admires. However, Georges and Robert are more similar than either realizes, and are soon berated by jealous and protective classmates, yet the two find themselves forming a friendship that will transform them both. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「La Esperança」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク